Michigan’s Second Oldest City

By Janet Kasic Having just arrived in St. Ignace, I headed over to my favorite diner in Michigan’s 2nd oldest city. This little gem was built in 1926. The upstairs was a boarding house for the iron workers who were working on the Mackinac Bridge during the early 1950’s. Today this gem of a diner/soda fountain serves up the classics – malted milkshakes, burgers and of course PIE. What good would it be to go to a diner and not have pie? Nearly everything inside is original from the chrome counters to the slightly uneven floor. After all, it is more than a hundred years old.
The building once sat on the bay side of the street but was moved over logs with a team of horses to its current spot on State Street in St. Ignace. After having a big slice of cherry pie I decided to head over to Castle Rock. Now it’s 171 steps up that lead to the top of that darn rock. Sometimes the locals call it “Pontiac’s Lookout”. I was told by a local resident that Pontiac, an Ottawa chief, used Castle Rock for scouting out the area. Just like Chief Pontiac, if you have the stamina to climb the 171 steps up – you’ll get a spectacular view as you will be able to see at least 20 miles over Lake Huron from 195 feet ABOVE the water. Did I climb those steps today? NOT! That homemade pie with ice cream filled me up just fine! Oh, I almost forgot, the gift shop at Castle Rock has a birch bark ceiling and the walls were hand crafted by local Native Americans about 70 years ago.